Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ag Day 2011

Ag Day 2011 on PhotoPeach


wyatt said...

Ag Day is very fun but in the morning it stinkes because it is very cold and most of us did not have a coat. but it cool we get to hold Snakes,Frogs and a turtle. We learn a lot.

Cooper said...

Ag day was awesome. I t was cold but it was fine. My favorite part was the animals I held all the snakes the were tamed. They had a aligator. They had a huge turtle and two smaller ones, and a huge frog and babies.

kassidi said...

I liked Ag day because it was so fun because we got to hold anmals and larn about some food. We leard about soil and what kind of soil that can do some damge or very bad iigers that can harm you or your pets. There was one thing that was very bad that moring, everybody was fearing. But good thing mrs.Hufford went back to school and got our caots and our sweat pants that way we would not be frearing all moring baeause it was very cold out.

jesse said...

when we sal the animals they were coo i have pit one up when i was 3 i that it was a worm

southern said...

I liked is when we saw the animals.

blayne said...

My favorite part of the field trip was when we saw the hotdog got cooked and when we felt the rubber glove.It was my favoriteist part of the field waswhen the dog fell off and the tractor.

blayne said...

My favorite part of the field trip was when we saw the hotdog got cooked and when we felt the rubber glove.It was my favoriteist part of the field waswhen the dog fell off and the tractor.

cable said...

The funnest part of the day was when we got to se the alegater ,sakes, lizerd, ferret,and the tarantula or the the eating.

Bobbie said...

I think AG day was the best field
trip ever!!!We got to lern stuff we didn't now. Even though it was cold it was the BEST!!! The worst part was the cold. But there is anouther field trip coming up I think its going to be the be the best.

Drew said...

I really enjoyed going through the stages and learning about safty, animals, farm equipment,and seeing animals that are not from Kansas.

Skyla said...

My faviert part was we got to learn a lot of stuff and we got see lots of animils here are the name of the animils we saw 1 torts,2 turtle,5 or 6 snake,1 hegoge,1 ferret,1chicken,3 goat, 1cow, 1 horse,1 bunny rabit, 2 donkey and those are the anmiles that we saw at ag day. We also got to learn all the differnt things they make soy beans.We laerned the life cycle of the soy bean.We also learned about farm saftey.We leard to stay away from a power line because it can shock you very very very bad and it can kill you so that why you need to be safe and be safe when if there is a power line closs to your house.

jill said...

My favorite thing about Ag day was getting to touch the animals. Also lisening to the people talk about something.I also like to be able to walk around a little bit at one piont in time.I loved to see all the stuff.The most of all I loved to learn thinks like the land,how to treet the water,about being safe on the farm and about plants and animals to.That was my favorite part.