Wednesday, November 7, 2012

If I was President of the U.S.A

If you had been elected the new president of the United State of America, what one thing would you do to help make our country a better place for everyone?

(Make sure you have a complete sentence)


Ryan said...

I would make everything 1 cent.

Silas said...

I would get schools better chair's
so then they wouldn't break and have a crack in them.

Dakota said...

I would take off the taxes for the states.I would also take off the house payment.

wyatt said...

I would have workers make a flying cars and I would make history.I would make more books and invent more things to do.I would invent underwater things like underwater houses'cars and cities.I would depolute the air.

Nicholas said...

if i was president of the U.S.A I will give food to the poor, give money to the pour, build houses for the pour. I would fight for the United states of america.

Zachary said...

I would make schools fun.

Shelby said...

I would cut government spending

Zach said...

I would make evrey school be fun.

zachary said...

I would make every school fun.

grant said...

If i was president i would make school foods be big for kids.

Hudson said...

I would make everything 0 cents so it would be free.

Calissa said...

I will give the children all the kid tv shows they want like pbs and goodluck charly jessie.
Iwill cut the govrement spending.

Kylee said...

I will make the lunch mills bigger. I will make less kilers in the entire planet.I will make the more teachers.

Makayla said...

If I were president I would let
you pay less.Then I will let you
go to Ocean of fun.And let you
watch any thing you want.Like p.b.s
and make a show called Mighty robot.

Katharyn said...

If I was elected I'd make sure everybody had a huge libary of the Warrior series.

Devon said...

If I was elected I would let the poor have some of my money. I would lower taxes.

Katharyn said...

IfI was elcted I'd write books.