Monday, February 28, 2011

You are DONE!!!!!

Now that you have finished your state assessments how do you feel?  Take a few minutes to tell me what you thought the hardest part of the assessment was?  What was the easier part?  Any test taking tips for the other grades that haven't tested yet??


Mark said...

The easyest was the first day. The hardest part was day two.The best was day three.I like school.

abby said...

I feel awesome.
I think the hardest part was the questins that were really hard.
I think the easier part was the really easie.
Don't be nervos because the test is easier than they look.

blayne said...

bored,dule,we haft to learn now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jill said...

The hardest would probibly be sitting in my seat until it is over.The easiest is being qiet.For me I am not sure about anybody else.Some tips from me are.... a good brakefest
2.get a good rest
3.eliminate the wrong answers
4.take your time your best out problems not stay up late
8.don't worry how many kids are done and how many are not
9.don't look at other kids test because it will do no use because you all have diffent test.

kamaria said...

I feel miserble but then again happy because it is over.The part was answering that some of the questions were hard ann make my head hurt.The easier part was doing it on the computer instead of pencil and paper.People that have not tested yet for state of assement good luck, double check the problems and get lots of rest.

Anonymous said...

I feel awsome about being done with state assessmnets hear are some tips:go to bed elery about 30 mi or so
eat a good healthy breakfest if it is nice go out side run around
have fun. It is more fun than you thank you get snacks drinks extra recss you only have to take 2 test
reading,math gooood luck!

cable said...

I'am sad and clad thet the stat Assessmets are over.
The ressen that a'm clad is we don't have to be so quit. The ressen a'm sad is that no more snaks in class.

jesse said...

it was all easyer than i that it woud be . but day 3 it was harder bc here where the coins i did good on the whole thang there were so noise going what i had to weght for some kid o leave in mrs keelers boom
you don't need to wry about the test.
a goo d breaft ccan make it easyer i that i wish thAtb we could to eat the snacks and drink

Skyla said...

i feel asome i think that the harded part is the last we get to learn new stuff yayayaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skyla said...

I feel awesome and i am glad where done. Now we get to learn new stuff ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dalton said...

the snack good,day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobbie said...

I feel awesome!
I think the easy questins are the easyest.
When it gets to the hard questins its hard. Here's a early tip they can be realy boring but it's sometimes fun. The best part is the treats.