Thursday, November 13, 2008

Election 2008

We have spent a great deal of time learning about the election process. Tell some of the things you have learned about the election process. Did your presidential candidate win? When you get old enough to vote, will you?


Anonymous said...

You need to be 18 years old. The person I voted for lost but it is ok. When I get older I will vote.

Anonymous said...

John McCain won in our schoo. When I am 18 years old I will try to vote.

Anonymous said...

I learned that you must be registered to vote and you can't anyone who you voted for. My candidate won the "mock election", but lost the real election. When I'm older I probably will vote because..........every vote counts.

Anonymous said...

I learned that you can vote for who ever you want to. In the moke election I voted for McCain and he won. When i get old enough to vote I will vote.

Anonymous said...

When you vote the person that you vote for doesn't always go you're way because someone might not want that person.

Anonymous said...

Well We learned that freedom of speech you get to speech what you want. Any you can vote. Well my president didn't wil. I well vote when I older

Anonymous said...

I learned how to vote on a computer. I know who to help voters. When I get older I might vote. The candidate I voted for did not win. I had fun and cool. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

McCain won the election at our school, but Obama won the real election. I wish McCain won the vote.

Anonymous said...

You need to be older than 18. I learned to respect our country. You have to register to vote. You have to provide your phone number, address before you can vote. No, my candidate didn't win the real election. Yes, I will vote