Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! Looks like the kids had a lot of fun!!!
Kristi Dohl

Anonymous said...

Awwww! that was such a fun day it was good to see the pictures again Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Altenburg,

I am Colt's great grannie Caroline Kern in Denison. His mother, Brandy, alias Honey, sent this to me and I am so very proud of what you are doing for my little Colt. My goodness! What a wonderful time they must have had! I have not set foot in a class room for many years and it all looks like a far cry from the kind of class room and class work that I remember when I was young.

Mine was a one room country school that I walked a mile and a half to every day. There were 12 students in various grades in that one room.

Then, when my sons were in grade school, there were no computers so things have changed so very much. These children in your class seem to be learning things that I only learned in high school. I think that is phenominal for their ages!

Please convey my best wishes to each one of your students and tell them how very wonderful I think they are and how proud of them I am. They will surely go far in life with these powerful things they are learning and that you are providing them.

I am certain that Colt's grandfather Tim Kern in Heaven would be very proud of all of you also. He was gone before Colt was born so they did not get to know each other.

Thank you so very much!

Caroline Kern (Grannie)

PS: (an afterthought) I would like to offer you and all of the students in your class a field trip tour of our little MuleSkinner Lodge here at Denison. It belonged as a barn to Colt's grandfather Tim. I just thought if you would like them to see something very unique that is tuned to wildlife and the outdoor, I would be glad to share it with you all. I would have something to drink and a cookie or two, all free of charge. Just go into the website, take a look and let me know if you wish to come. Again, thank you.