Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finish the Story

It was three weeks before Christmas as everyone in the North Pole prepared for Santa’s upcoming journey. Then suddenly the elves in the toy factory stopped working when they heard…


xavier said...

a BANG on the roof. It was santa! Santa told the elves 'We have a city of 100,000,000 so we have to work extra, extra, extra hard so we can turn those frowns upside down and those kids, they want lots of strange things' So the elves worked so hard they filled the factory up and had to make santa a really big sleigh so he could deliver. His sleigh was so big they had to get elves to deliver the presents on a rope called sky diving spy elves. It was christmas and it was a success christmas was completed and every kid was happy and the elves were wore out few the elves said.

MASON said...

comit sneeze. The sneeze was so loud that all the elves where scared that people in kansas heard it. then everyone would come to see wat is was then they would catch us making toys. Thats bad said one of the elves. dont worry we have buff elves for gards, said anothor elf. OOOH NOOO,said another elf. WHAT,said an elf. all of the people will now what they will get for cristmas. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO said all the elves CRISTMAS IS RUINED...... THATS MY STORY!!!!!

Erika said...

.. they hear a big boom. It was just the deer acing up. Santa was mad at the deer because they would not stop. Santa screemed that made them stop.
The small elf was really scared shesaid "i thought nwe were going to not get to deliver presents." The oldest elf said "little one we don't deliver presents with santa." The little elf was mad.
After the deer stoped the elfs went back to work making toys like: Dolls, Trains, jump ropes, and trucks for good little girls and boys. The elfs were happy that they weren't hurt.
christmas was 3 weeks away. the rain deer were going crazy.the elfs were very busy.
the christmas was very good for the little elf she was happy. :)

colt said...

two semis racing in the snow. The semis were equipped with snow chains for their tires, two snow tracks on the fronts, and a heavy duty package. One had grey digital camo design on it and the other one had blue flames coming from the front and the rest was colored black. All the elves ran towards the window to watch and they saw Santa in the digital camo semi and Mrs.Claus in the blue flamed one. They raced each other to see who could drop off the toys the fastest and then they would ride the sleigh this year. They battled each other at speeds of 80 miles per hour. At the end of the race there was tire tracks everwhere, but nobody would have to worry about that because it's snowing all the time. The lucky winner of the race was....(drum roll)........Mrs.Claus!

Romy said...

a big BOOM from the living room. So they went and peeked into the room and saw Santas big bag of toys all emptied out on the floor! The elves asked Santa what he was doing and he said "I'm trying to find my hat!" exclaimed Santa. "Have you lost it?" said one of the elves. "Yes indeed." said Santa. one of the elves jumped up and said "I'll help you find it!" he yelled. Soon all of the elves were jumping and shouting and looking for Santas hat. Suddenly Mrs. Claus came in and asked what the heck was going on. The elves explained to her and all of them started to look. Mrs. Claus made cookies and hot coco for everybody and they all had a break. They searched allover the house and in the barn where the Reindeer sleep. One elf looked in the sleigh and he found it! He tried to get to Santa but he was lost in the snow! That poor elf couldn't find his way home so he pulled out his little elf emergency packet and pressed a button that makes it so Santa can find his location. Santa found him and took him back home. Santa put his hat on and thanked all of the elves for helping out. And they had a wonderful Christmas!

andrew said...

the roof exploded and the elves got out and the work shop got destroy. When Santa Claues came he was upset. When Santa went inside the present was save. He thought that he and all the elves had to fix the work shop. So, they got all there tools and started working on the work shop. They figure out that they need more wood because, some of the woods were broken. So, some of the elves had to go to buy wood. But they didn't had no money. When they got their they found money. They went and buy wood. They went back and they got the work shop fix. Then they started to go back to work.

kenny said...

crying. Rudolph hurt his ankle from a rock. Santa couldn't believe it, his number lead reindeer couldn't guide his sleigh this christmas. Santa was thinking of a plan to go all around the earth to give kids their presents. suddenly Santa thought of something,"what about a cast for his ankle". The elfs thought for a second, then one elf said how about we use our magic to heal his injured leg. Santa said well if our magic can't help it we will just have to use the cast to help the ankle. Well we will have to hurry because christmas is jus in a few days. When the elfs and Santa tryed their magic it worked. on christmas eve Santa delivered all the presents, but whenthey landed on the last house he he hurt his ankle again. Santa couldn't beleive it, he had no idea how he was going to get home, then he had the idea to put rudolph on the back of the sleigh. When santa got home he put rudolph in his cage and whent inside to say ho ho ho to mrs.clause. So rudolph, santa , and the rest of the rest of the family lived happily ever after.

Grace said...

It was three weeks before Christmas as everyone in the North Pole prepared for Santa's upcoming journey. Then suddenly the elves in the toy factory stopped working when they heard Santa yelling for help. "HELP!" "All the reindeer are gone!" They need all the help we can get if they are going to try to find them. All the elves ran outside and looked all around for the reindeer. Then one of the elves said," Hey, where is Jingle?" Then they heared something unusual. "Look, up there!" said one of the elves. "It's Jingle and all the reindeer!" Santa said, "Jingle!!!! You get down here right now!!!!!!" Jingle came down and said" I was just......." But before Jingle could finish Santa said " Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!" In the end everyone was happy and Santa delivered the presents on time!!!!!!!!!!

austin said...

somthing strange out side the factery. They all stared outside untel one elf named Bob said it was probably the wind. Then they started working. they heard it it sounded big , bad , and close so all the elfs folowed it all the way to santa's room. they opend the door and found out it was santa snoring.

trevor said...

a bang on the roof. Five minutes later Santa came in and told everyone that he was exercising the reinghdeer and practicing landing. Then a piece of the ceiling fell on the table and broke the toys on the table. The elves groaned and sighed. But they were not finished. Santa said that he would fix it so the elves could work on the toys. Santa finished it in a few days and it was as good as new. Then on Christmas eve the elves were done working on the toys and the loaded them in the big bag and put in on Santa's sled. But Santa wasn't ready because he had a little sticker in his shoe and Santa hurt his foot. But Mrs. Santa Claus helped him and he was ready to go. Off he went to deliver the presents. He said good bye and his voice grew fainter and fainter.

Shelby said...

A loud sneeze. "achew" "What's that" said ." I don't know" said Jolly. So the two elfs ran up to the house looked in the window and saw santa sitting in his big chair. Suddenly they ran in the house. "Snata what's wrong, ar you okay." said Holly. "Are you sick."said Jolly."Yes" santa said weekly. "You will be better by Christmas won't you santa." holly said hopfully. "Surely." Santa said confidently,"Now get back to making toys do you have the electronics in different colors." Saddly jingle said" Of course we do. But when you sneezed Jingle kinda........... well...." ' Kin of well what" sanata said demanding. " well he he he broke the automatic present wrapper." jingle said then gave a long sigh. "Well you better get to the workshop because your gonna have to rap everything by hand." said santa. By Christmas they had everything wrapped and put in extra work just to get all of the gifts wrapped.

Hanna said...

a loud cry in the closet, they opened the door to find a little elf. The elf was taken under Mr. Elf's care, his main diet was the four c's: candy, candy canes, circular donuts. The young elf is known as Will Ferrel and stars in Elf.

Kate said...

the fire alarm go off. All the elves sat their for just a second. Then Santa came in running, "the stove cought on fire Jingle, Holly go get the fire department in Seal Town now" said Santa. Mrs. Claus came in running and then yelled at the elves Finy, Happy, Grummpy to go to the kitchen and grab any thing they could. All the other elves kept working they knew that not having the other elves there would put them behind so they worked twice as hard! Mrs. Claus and Santa were trying not to panic but they couldn't contain them selves. All the elves could see that the couple were freaking out!!! One brave little elf named Sue marched right up to Santa and Mrs. Claus and told Santa to help out with the toys and told Mrs. Claus to go make clothes for the dolls that little girls would like. Sue saw their nods in agree so she went and sat down again. The fire department came and put out the fire each member of the department stayed the night and was stocked up with presents and goodies. All the elves got back to work. When came time to get up in the sleigh Santa told every elf and wife that nothing should happen when he was gone and a special thanks to Sue for keeping him calm when the stove caught on fire.

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