Friday, January 27, 2012

Erika's favorite Place


Erika said...

Gypsy Camping
Gypsy Camping is a good place to get away from home. It is fun to go camping. You get to explore the wild. Spend time with family and friends. The adventures are wild and fun. I love going Gypsy Camping.
Camping is loads of fun. We ride 4- wheelers and go on long ride through the pasture. The best part about going on 4-wheelers we get to go see a low water crossing. You get to play games like soccer and cards. The best part is roasting marshmallows. Gypsy camping is really fun.
Spending time with friends and family is awesome. Taking time to talk with them is to get to know them better. Taking with the little kids settles them down. The best part about spending time with friends is that you get to see them all the time we are there. Spending time with them is the best.
Adventures at Gypsy Camp are wild. The woods are some time hard to go on because what if you get stuck, it is hard to get out. You can find wild animals and sense we camp in a pasture there are cows sometimes. If you take a minute you can listen to nature and hear the pretty sounds of wild life. Going on adventures are super fun.
I LOVE going Gypsy Camping, Playing outside is amazing. Taking time to talk with friends is a really good way good way to calm down. The adventures are the best especially on the 4-wheelers. I love going Gypsy Camping.
By, Erika

Shelby said...
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