Monday, January 30, 2012

Kenny's Favorite Place

1 comment:

kenny said...

My favorite place
My favorite place is in the forest camping and hunting. I have fun camping by myself, making my own fire, and hunting. I go camping to get away from the house, having not to deal with my brother, and not to stack wood. I learn about camping alone, dealing with wild life, and how hard it is to sleep.
Camping in the forest by myself in a tent is easy, but by time it is 6 am to 7 am I go hunting for squirrels, rabbits, and then I go fishing. The fun stuff happens at 5:30 pm, because that’s when I start to see deer, there was a lot more bucks than doe, but I can’t hunt them. I go camping to get away from my family so I don’t have to deal with my brother, also so I don’t have to do wood, and get away from the house. I also go camping to learn a lot about camping alone, to deal with wild life, and how hard it is to sleep.
Camping by myself is fun. Sometimes I take my dog with me. Whenever I take my dog I play fetch, run with her, and I roll everywhere and she chases me and jumps on me. Sometimes she catches squirrels. My dog sleeps in the tent with me and barks if coyotes are close. Sometimes I take a warning shot, so I now I know better to bring a flashlight or lantern with me.
The reason I go camping in the forest is because I’m bored and I don’t have to deal with my brother because we argue a lot. I don’t know why we argue, it’s just that we barley get along with each other. I also get away from the house because I don’t want to get yelled at and I can have some time to myself so I can have fun. I go camping in the forest to learn how hard it is to deal with wildlife. I take warning shots so the coyotes and the foxes will leave me alone. There are mountain lions, bob cats, coyotes, and fox’s.
I love to go camping in the forest and I will never forget the spot I killed my first rabbit. That spot I was at had a pond by it and I would go swimming every time. I would go fishing every afternoon. I would make a fire with the branches that were near. Sometimes when I get bored in the day and I’m all done with my morning projects I skid rocks on the pond. My dog likes to jump in the pond because she thinks she can catch a fish because I throw a stick in the pond.