Monday, January 30, 2012

Hanna's Favorite Place

1 comment:

Hanna said...

One of my favorite vacations was going to Hawaii. Going swimming in Hawaii and spending time with family was a lot of fun. I loved going snorkeling with my mom and dad. If I had to choose another place to go, I would choose Hawaii. Even though it was a long time ago, I still remember all the fun I had.
I liked spending time with my family; going swimming was one of my favorite things to do there. We got to look down at the ocean and the pool from our hotel window. The first time we went swimming was in the pool, I was little when we were there so I did not get to spend too much time in the ocean. We went snorkeling while we were there, when we did, I would try to count all the fish in the place we were snorkeling; to count all the fish was impossible though. We saw a sea turtle while we were snorkeling, I grabbed onto it and it took me for a swim. These are some of the things that made Hawaii most fun.
Going with my family made it even more special. I loved sightseeing with my family on tours of the island. There were flowers and cool plants to see. One of the other cool things were all the things to do in the water, my parents were driven around on a cool water bicycle. While they were on the water bicycle, my cousins and I got in tubes and floated around our spot. Swimming was one of the things that was my favorite while I was there.
Swimming in the ocean was very fun. I was always scared that a shark was going to come and grab me, but I would finally get in and swim. Swimming in the pool was fun too; we could look down from our hotel window and see the swimming pool. When we went down to the pool every day I was always ready to jump in, sometimes we would have a contest to see who could jump in first! As you can tell swimming was my favorite activity in Hawaii, and that was what made it fun for me.
I would not change my trip to Hawaii for any other! If I could choose another place to go, I would go back to Hawaii. The things we saw and did were so much fun. Going with my family made that much more special. Even though it was a long time ago, I still remember how much fun I had!