Friday, January 27, 2012

Romy's Favorite Place


Romy said...

South Carolina Romy
The best place I’ve been to is South Carolina. You can play on the beach and smell the salty sea. If you have family there you can have a splendid time there. The boardwalk is the most important and exiting part of the beach. If you have sea, beach, family and a boardwalk, you can have a gracious time.
Playing on the beach is always lovely. You can create sandcastles and discover sea-shells along the sea shore. Hoping over the waves as they crash in is also very enjoyable. Lying along the sandy beach and listening to the waves as they crash into the shore is a calming way to enjoy the beach. You can tan yourself either with a tanning ray or just lie down and wait for the sun to do its magic. The beach can be fun and relaxing for each and everyone.
Aunt, uncles, cousins, parents and grandparents are examples of family members that you can take along with you. Getting together can strengthen your bonds with your family. These can also help you meet new members and get to know them. Playing board and video games can help you with bonding. Getting together is very crucial to some members so they can get to know more and more about their family.
The boardwalk is the most attractive part of the beach. Some can have carnivals while some can have stores and restaurants. Ice cream and frozen yogurt shops can be found all over these places. It is very large and marvelous and can be lots of fun. Arcades, shops, restaurants, and carnivals can be found on these wonderful things called boardwalks.
South Carolina is a very stupendous place. You can play on the beach, see family members and explore new thing along to boardwalk. The beach has many things for you to play with. Family and friends is a great way to spend your trip along the coast. The board walk has many things to offer. Like Arcade games and shops and restaurants. This is the most wonderful and spectacular places I’ve ever been to.

Alyssa Henry said...

I like it Romy!!! Looks pretty kool!!!